Principles of Development

 The process by which a germinating seed or conceived organism is turned into a full fledged being or a mature plant that process is called development. Don't confuse yourself with the words Growth and development. Growth is a part of development and completes at a particular time or period but development is a continuous process and it goes on life time. 

Now let's discuss some General Principles of Development which are as follows: 

1) Development is a continuous process: Development goes on and never ending. It starts from our pre-natal stage and continues till our death. 

2) Development is a gradual process: If you think Development is a one day or few years process then you are wrong as development goes on at a slow pace. It takes place gradually and depends upon both environment and heredity.

3) Development is Irreversible : The process of development irreversible. For example if your height is 6 feet you cannot change and make it 5 feet as your height is developed and you cannot reverse the process. 

4) Development follows individual difference : Individual difference means variation of anything from person to person. Development is the variation from one individual to another. Your cannot be same to your friend. You might be faster in solving mathematics calculation when compared it with your siblings.

5) Development is General to Specific : Development takes place from simple things to the complex ones which means general to specific. Your Gross motor skills are developed first then development of fine motor skills takes place. 

6) Development depends upon culture and society : Our first place of development is our home, parents and genes that we get from them. So, culture at home and then moving to school and connecting with outside world also results in our development.

7) Development is a holistic process : There are three domains of development namely Physical, Cognitive and socio- emotional. Development of all these domains simultaneously makes it a holistic process. 

8) Development is a cumulative process: The early experiences which we get from our activities creates an impact on the process of development along with the later experiences.

9) Development is Flexible : Developments varies with the situation which we experience in the society and our environment. It keeps on changing from time to time and situation to situation. 

10) Development is a combination of Differentiation and integration : These are referred to as the cold principles of development. Differentiation means the reaction of an individual from situation to situation which affects the process of development. On the other hand, integration means hand and eye coordination during a situation. These two creates an impact on the process of development. 

So, these are some general principles of development hope you learnt and understood them.
