
Showing posts from July, 2021

Principles of Development

  The process by which a germinating seed or conceived organism is turned into a full fledged being or a mature plant that process is called development. Don't confuse yourself with the words Growth and development. Growth is a part of development and completes at a particular time or period but development is a continuous process and it goes on life time.  Now let's discuss some General Principles of Development which are as follows:  1) Development is a continuous process : Development goes on and never ending. It starts from our pre-natal stage and continues till our death.  2) Development is a gradual process : If you think Development is a one day or few years process then you are wrong as development goes on at a slow pace. It takes place gradually and depends upon both environment and heredity. 3) Development is Irreversible : The process of development irreversible. For example if your height is 6 feet you cannot change and make it 5 feet as your height is developed an