
Principles of Development

  The process by which a germinating seed or conceived organism is turned into a full fledged being or a mature plant that process is called development. Don't confuse yourself with the words Growth and development. Growth is a part of development and completes at a particular time or period but development is a continuous process and it goes on life time.  Now let's discuss some General Principles of Development which are as follows:  1) Development is a continuous process : Development goes on and never ending. It starts from our pre-natal stage and continues till our death.  2) Development is a gradual process : If you think Development is a one day or few years process then you are wrong as development goes on at a slow pace. It takes place gradually and depends upon both environment and heredity. 3) Development is Irreversible : The process of development irreversible. For example if your height is 6 feet you cannot change and make it 5 feet as your height is developed an

Education is Fun

Education is Fun   Education plays a very important role each one's life. It is the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university.Education is one of the most powerful things in life. It allows us to find the meaning behind everything and helps improve lives in a massive way. As it is rightly said, Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. – Albert Einstein. Making Education fun is very important so that it remains with us and helps in our holistic development. Education isn’t just about learning maths or science at school. It’s about gaining the knowledge and the skills needed to better ourselves and the world we live in. Education is more than just learning how to read and write. Education helps us grow personally, professionally, and socially. It also helps us become better versions of ourselves. And it broadens our perspectives to help us learn about different societies and cultures. Let's